The colors are bold and simple
Our primary color is bold, warm, and optimistic. Simplifying to one primary color creates more brand consistency and builds recognition.
- HEX #F95602
- Pantone 1655 C
- R 249
- G 86
- B 2
- C 0
- M 77
- Y 91
- K 0
off orange
- HEX #F97702
- R 249
- G 119
- B 2
- C 0
- M 66
- Y 100
- K 0
light orange
- R 255
- G 225
- B 200
- C 0
- M 13
- Y 20
- K 0
off white
- HEX #F3F3F3
- R 243
- G 243
- B 243
- C 0
- M 0
- Y 0
- K 5
off black
- HEX #242424
- R 36
- G 36
- B 36
- C 71
- M 65
- Y 64
- K 71
mid grey
- HEX #4D4D4D
- R 77
- G 77
- B 77
- C 65
- M 58
- Y 57
- K 37

The color system for the digital world, using a combination of red, green, and blue light to achieve specific colors. Printing RGB will result in inaccurate color tones.
Use for anything to be seen on a screen (web graphics, social media, slideshows, etc).

The color system for the print world, using a combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks to achieve specific colors.
Make sure CMYK information is provided to any outsourced, print vendors.

The color system for the web design world, that is closely related to RGB.
Often needed when designing on a web program or website.

Pantone Matching System is a patented color system offering standardized, precise single colors.
Use this when ordering paint.
Our pattern symbolizes creating, building and connecting.
Use it as a visual accent to make space more interesting.